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About I2I

Welcome to i2i Global: Where Ideas Become Innovations, and You Become the Change

Step into a world where ideas are more than just thoughts; they are the seeds of transformation. At i2i Global, we don’t just incubate ideas; we nurture dreams and empower visionaries like YOU with your Idea. Our philosophy revolves around channelizing knowledge because we believe that wisdom is not just knowing but applying knowledge effectively.

Picture this: Knowledge is like a compass, and wisdom is the journey you embark on using that compass. It’s not about the almonds you eat; it’s about the challenges you face and the lessons you learn. That’s where true wisdom resides.

Our journey begins with Idea to Innovation (i2i), where your idea starts to take shape, fueled by passion and creativity. From there, we transition into Engineering to Emergence (e2e), where your idea transforms into a groundbreaking innovation that can change the world.

Join us at i2i Global, where ideas flourish, dreams come alive, and knowledge becomes the bridge to wisdom.

Tired of just having ideas?


At i2i Global, we don't just incubate ideas - we incubate YOU. We're the launchpad for visionary leaders who will shape your future with your innovation.

If it is your idea then we want you to be the Leader of the Idea. You are the person who will bring that idea into reality. You are the wholesole owner of the idea. You will be responsible as well as accountable for it. Our powerful approach is simple: We provide the perfect environment, essential support, and key resources to turn your ideas into reality. Joining i2i Global isn't just about a platform; it's about joining a movement of groundbreaking innovation and empowered leadership. We believe in the limitless potential of every idea. That's why we focus on nurturing your ideas and guiding you to become an industry leader.

Ready to transform your idea into leadership? Join us at i2i Global and shape the future, one innovation at a time.

Nirav Shah

NIRAV SHAH breathed life into Mumbai in 1983. He has done mechanical engineering and a management course in finance. Working alongside his studies, he began at the age of 14. He has invested his entire life into research, design and development. Coming from an industrious background, he was fortunate to have been exposed to lots of machines.

Transform Your Ideas into Innovations! Submit Your Concepts Today at I2i!

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