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Where ideas ignite leaders

We are having an integrated setup covering sheet metal slitting, rolling, blanking, profiling, presses, foundry, casting, molding, insert molding, MIM, warping, weaving, knitting, dying, printing, calendaring, fabric processing, painting, electroplating, sewing, coil forming, heat treatment and quenching. All these operations are done in house. We also have a vertical of designing wherein we design products, molds, dyes,  machines, SPMs, jigs, fixtures, hand tools and press tools ourselves.

We also make significant contributions through our in-house expertise in ingenuity, thereby maximizing the use of our experience.

Whenever we lack experience, we borrow it, but first, we always strive to grasp the complete picture of any situation. In the current information-rich world, obtaining information isn’t difficult, but effectively utilizing it can become a challenging task. 

About Nirav Shah

I am a product of many failures every time I failI accumulate wisdom with this wisdomI have understood and able to see a thin imaginary line between innovation and engineering and between engineering and execution.Eventually After execution starts the most important aspect of excessive capital contribution in production, marketing….raw material, credit Accounting…taxation.

Even upon eventual success, the journey transitions from engineering to execution, then from execution to innovation, and finally from innovation to success.

How have I achieved everything is after consistent hard work and learning to get up after every failureI’m deeply influenced by Sir Isaac Newtonbut I know  my limitations that I am not a one shot genius.

I get a lot of motivation From Edison to learn from failure and get failures but the fact remains that I am no Edison Who can get up and do wonders like him but these two greats give me lots of inspiration along with Albert Einstein, Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, James Watt, Nikola Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell, George Stephenson, Leonardo da Vinci, Werner von Siemens, Benjamin Franklin, Marie Curie, Henry Ford, Robert Fulton, Isaac Newton, Charles Babbage, Galileo Galilei, George Westinghouse, Samuel Morse, Guglielmo Marconi, Karl Benz, Ada Lovelace, Archimedes, Johannes Gutenberg, George Washington Carver, Orville and Wilbur Wright, Enrico Fermi, Alan Turing, Edwin Hubble, John Logie Baird, Robert Goddard, Edwin Armstrong, Jonas Salk, Tim Berners-Lee, Emilie du Châtelet, Rosalind Franklin, Grace Hopper, George Boole, Claude Shannon, Jack Kilby, Gordon Moore, Richard Feynman, Marie Van Brittan Brown, Mary Anderson, Temple Grandin, John von Neumann, Steve Wozniak, Rudolf Diesel, Thomas Savery, William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin.

“We operate cutting-edge machines such as CNC, Drill 20, FW1U, Cut 200 SP, Dahanukar, Lathe, Alex, Milling CNC, and Die-Casting Machines. Our hands-on experience with these advanced technologies contrasts with the outdated machinery taught in traditional engineering curricula, some of which are over a century old.”

About i2i


Mission of i2i Global: Empowering Ideas, Inspiring Leaders At i2i Global, our mission is clear and ambitious: to empower ideas and inspire/create leaders. We believe that every idea, no matter how big or small, has the potential to create a positive impact and drive change. Our mission encompasses the following core objectives:

Idea Empowerment

We aim to provide a nurturing and supportive environment where ideas can flourish. Through guidance, resources, and collaboration, we empower individuals to turn their ideas into tangible innovations. They are a big part of this process. Incubation of that idea will come only along with incubation of the leader of that idea.

Community Building

Central to our mission is the creation of a vibrant and inclusive community. We bring together diverse perspectives, talents, and expertise to foster collaboration, creativity, and mutual support. You will get our full support and guidance whenever and wherever needed.

Leadership Inspiration

We are committed to fostering leadership qualities and skills among our community members. By providing opportunities for growth, mentorship, and learning, we inspire and equip future leaders to make a difference. We are here to create leaders. We provide you the platform to showcase as well as highlight your leadership qualities and give your idea a realistic vision

Continuous Growth

We are dedicated to continuous improvement and evolution. Our mission includes fostering a culture of learning, adaptability, and resilience, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of innovation and leadership development. Join us on our mission to empower ideas, inspire leaders, and make a lasting impact on the world.

Impactful Innovation

We encourage bold thinking, problem-solving, and a focus on creating meaningful solutions.
About i2i


Our vision at i2i Global is to shape a world where innovative leaders thrive, ideas transform into impactful solutions, and collaboration drives positive change. Our vision encompasses the following key elements

Innovative Leadership

We envision a future where innovative leaders lead with vision, creativity, and a deep sense of purpose. These leaders inspire others, drive progress, and shape the course of industries and communities.

Idea Transformation

Our vision includes transforming ideas into tangible solutions that address pressing challenges and improve lives. We believe in the power of ideas to spark innovation and create meaningful impact.

Collaborative Ecosystem

We strive to build a collaborative ecosystem where diverse talents, ideas, and perspectives come together. Through collaboration, we aim to amplify creativity, accelerate innovation, and foster collective success.

Global Impact

Our vision extends globally, aiming to make a positive impact on a wide scale. We envision i2i Global as a catalyst for change, contributing to sustainable development, social progress, and a better future for all.

Continuous Evolution

We envision i2i Global as a dynamic and evolving platform that adapts to changing needs, embraces new technologies, and stays ahead of emerging trends. Our commitment to continuous improvement drives us to push boundaries and explore new frontiers of innovation and leadership.
About i2i


Values of i2i Global: Guiding Principles for Innovation and Leadership


We believe in the power of collaboration as a catalyst for innovation and success. By fostering a culture of collaboration, we bring together diverse talents, ideas, and perspectives to create groundbreaking solutions and drive collective progress.


We embrace creativity as a driving force behind innovation. We encourage bold thinking, exploration of new ideas, and creative problem-solving approaches to unlock untapped potential and achieve meaningful impact.


Making a positive impact is at the core of everything we do. We prioritize ideas and initiatives that have the potential to create positive change, improve lives, and contribute to sustainable development and social progress.


We uphold the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and transparency in all our endeavors. Our commitment to integrity guides our decisions, actions, and relationships, fostering trust and accountability within our community.


We strive for excellence in everything we do. From idea incubation to solution implementation, we pursue excellence through continuous learning, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of quality and effectiveness.


We empower individuals to unleash their full potential, embrace leadership roles, and drive meaningful change. We believe in empowering leaders who inspire others, foster collaboration, and make a positive impact on the world.

Diversity and Inclusion

We value diversity and inclusion as drivers of innovation and resilience. We celebrate diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique talents.


We are committed to sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact and promote social responsibility. We integrate sustainability into our innovation processes, striving to create solutions that balance economic, environmental, and social priorities.